REPORTS TO: AVID Teacher and Campus Principal
El Campo ISD is looking for energetic, committed people to be tutors in our Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) Program. This class provides academic instruction and tutorial support to students and prepares them for eligibility for four-year colleges and universities.
Tutor Goals:
1. Take an active role in developing the academic and personal strengths of AVID students.
2. Assist the students in the successful completion of college eligibility requirements.
3. Provide academic support for students in rigorous courses.
4. Encourage the students to enroll in a four-year college or university after high school graduation.
5. Serve as coach and mentor to AVID students.
Tutor Responsibilities:
1. Complete 16 hours of AVID tutor training (paid @ $10/hour).
2. Facilitate tutorial learning process and implement AVID methodologies.
3. Serve as role models for AVID students in behavior, attire, and work ethic.
4. Become familiar with the specific routines and expectations of each AVID teacher’s classrooms.
5. Monitor student progress during tutorials, providing feedback to students and teachers.
6. Assist the students in maintaining the AVID binder with a calendar, assignment sheets, tutorial worksheets, and daily focused notes in all academic classes.
7. Be positive and professional at all times.
8. When possible, participate in AVID field trips, motivational activities, and Site Team meetings.
9. Other duties assigned by AVID Site Coordinator or AVID teacher relevant to program and student progress.
The following groups are qualified to be AVID tutors:
- Current college students
- Retired teachers
- College grads
- Adults with some college experience
Tutors are needed on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the designated times for the following campuses:
- El Campo High School: 8:42 – 11:15 am & 12:05-2:36 pm
- El Campo Middle School: 12:46-2:34 pm
Pay: $12.00 per hour or $14.00 per hour with two years of AVID tutoring experience.